About Us

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Name Enterprise Ltd (14841860) is a registered UK business based in Normanton. We collect and sell domains while providing website hosting & support to our customers. We want everyone that buys a domain from us to succeed, so we will help you in any way we can.

All domains listed are open to negotiation, send us your offers to admin@nameenterprise.com and we may consider it.

Name Enterprise also provides technical support to users all over the world. You can purchase our remote support for just £10, we will then connect to your computer and try our best to solve your issues – with a refund waiting for you if we can’t help you.

Name Enterprise also provides the public with resources to report scams and spammers. Visit our community website Scammer.info to share any information about scammers, or to learn about scambaiting & how scammers can get your money. We also have SpamLogger if you have received annoying spam and want to report it publicly. If you’re a malware hunter, we have MalwareAlarm.